Monday, April 18, 2011

Do Something Reel Film Festival

Six great films...I encourage you to check out this website that goes more into detail about six amazing films that are perfect to watch during Earth month.

Here are the ones I am going to be viewing:

"Bag It" is a film about our obsession and overuse of plastics in the modern world.  I am super siked to be watching this one as I do my best to limit consumption and use of non-recyclable plastic products.

"Lunchline" a film highlighting a fight for better nutrition in the school systems.  Having a young daughter about to enter the realm of schooling, this is a HUGE issue for me.  For a long time I have been angered at the lack of full balanced nutrition in the public schools.  For many children that may be their only opportunity to eat full well-balanced, healthy food and WE have failed them miserably.  With childhood obesity, diabetes, and other ailments on the rise, perhaps we should invest more time, effort, and care into what our children are presented to eat. *OK stepping off my soap box*

The website makes it easy to find nearby screenings and I am also hoping that these will be on Netflix soon, if not already.

Let me know if you are able to attend any of these viewings and what you took away from them!

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