Monday, January 2, 2012


How will you "turn things around" this year?

I set a goal last year (completing a half marathon before turning 30) and to my amazement, I did it.

I don't really like the term resolution...why?

Check out the definitions of resolution versus goal

To me having goals makes more sense than resolutions.  Here are mine...

  1. Complete a full marathon, preferably  by the end of 2012
  2. Complete a sprint or Olympic distance triathlon before turning 33
  3. Start a cookbook
    1. By the end of the year have at least 20-30 recipes ready to put in it

SO what are your goals?  Remember that 'they' say people who have goals set AND written down are more likely to see them come to pass.


1 comment:

  1. Hey Christin. I have big plans for 2012 and I too think they stick better when you write them down and tell everybody about them. I somehow keep adding to my resolutions or goals as I see what all needs changed in my life to better take care of myself so I can better take care of my family. My goals are:
    1. Loose the last 20 lbs of baby weight and get fit enough to run a marathon this april.
    2. Quit my chocolate habbit
    3. Start doing a morning devotional
    4. Make church a priority
    5. Learn to bow hunt so I can go with my husband.

    And I'm very excited about these goals because I know I can do all of them.

    Thanks for letting me share.
    Joanna Boyles
