Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Words of Wisdom Wednesday

There are a lot of ways to be 'green', healthy, and without a high price tag!! Here are a few of my favorites...

  • Good 'ol vinegar & water- simply equal parts white vinegar and water.
    • all purpose cleaning (counters, tubs, tile, vanities)
    • a cup of straight vinegar run in an empty dishwasher is a great way to clean your manual, you should clean your dishwasher from time to time & if you read the store bought dishwasher cleaners the main ingredient is vinegar!!
  • Baking soda paste- take baking soda and add small amounts of water to form a paste.
    • great for removing stains out of your stainless sink
    • removes stubborn stains on your cookware (do not use on Teflon/non-stick surfaces)
    • this gentle abrasive works to scrub that ring-a-round the tub
  • If you don't believe all that organic hype you are not alone.  Studies have shown that certain fruits and vegetables are safe whether grown organically or not.  However there are veggies and fruits that do absorb chemicals and meats definitely are products of their environment.  Try to buy meats and dairy that are not given antibiotics or steroids. This Wednesday we will focus on our foul-weathered friend!! 
    • All poultry (chicken, turkey, and duck) are not supposed to be given antibiotics as per new FDA guidelines so it is easier to find healthier 'birds' in that respect but check to see if they are given steroids (packaging will typically boast if they are not) and make sure they are not "enhanced" with a solution, which is typically chemicals. 
    • Check the freezer section for poultry products that are ice-packed meaning they only were splashed with water and flash frozen.  Generally they are the same price or lower than buying the thawed chicken from the butcher section and taste is no different!!
    • Ask the butcher if there are any last day organic poultry cuts, they are usually two to three days away from being thrown out but carry large discounts and if you are like me you freeze them anyways so there is no spoilage or wasting!
    • Bulk buy when you see your favorite bird cuts on sale.  You can always take large packages and separate them into freezer bags for perfect portions as needed!
    • Check for cage free eggs, they are often more expensive but coupons abound in Sunday papers which make them the same cost.  Studies have shown that cage free birds produce healthier eggs that contain a higher ratio of healthy proteins, vitamins, and amino acids. Apparently caged birds aren't too thrilled with being in cages...would you be?
    • Look for coupons in your paper and online at the poultry suppliers your local grocer carries.
    • Fret not if organic isn't is better and no price difference to find ones not "enhanced with solution" than to continue that habit and your body will thank you!

Yes you should exercise.  The recommendations change like the wind but 30 minutes three times a week seems to be the current standard protocol.  Save money by foregoing a gym membership and walking around your neighborhood, find some spunky music and dance (personally never tried it but a great workout!!), I do jumping jacks...they raise my heartbeat and I found that I just can't do as many as I thought I could!


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