I was given the opportunity through SheSpeaks to review Simple Skincare's Smoothing Facial Scrub. I was a bit bummed since Simple's website and the product packaging made me assume it was a 'green' product line, but the ingredients contained several things I do my best to avoid. This particular product had parabens in it. I did notice after going to Walgreens (who also sponsered this product review), that a few of Simple's products are phthalate and paraben free. The smell is light and not overpowering and I seemed to have a bit of irritation after a few attempts at using this, I imagine from the chemicals that my skin just isn't used too. The product itself is easy to use and the directions clear. I was happy to see that the container is recyclable and I intend to 'regift' this to a friend who is not as chemically concerned as I am to try this out and get her opinion.
On the SheSpeaks website several reviewers were quite pleased with the performance of the product and I wanted to share that as to not discourage trying this product if you do not normally avoid products for chemicals within them.
Although I received this product free of charge to try and review on Healthy Lantern, the opinion is my own and 100% honest, not influenced by the price, or lack their of, or any additional incentives.
I was also surprised that this had parabens in it, since they market the brand as being clean, simple, eco-friendly, etc!